
A Complete Guide to Understanding the Dispensationalism Controversy is unavailable, but you can change that!

Have you ever wondered what to think about dispensationalism? Kerry Trahan’s A Complete Guide to Understanding the Dispensationalism Controversy is a highly comprehensive and accessible resource that will bring both sides of this controversial theory to light. Perfect for anybody seeking a greater understanding of the topic of dispensationalism, this book thoroughly details the history, tenants,...

CHAPTER FOUR —COVENANT THEOLOGY This chapter on covenant theology and the following chapter dealing with various views concerning the millennium, rapture, etc., are important here to insure that the reader understands that substantial contrasts exist between dispensationalism and covenant theology. As Michael A. Harbin points out: These two schools, popularly known as covenant theology and dispensationalism, are often set at odds with one another.33 Although spiritually kindred in relationship, many
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